No Pain Initiative
Addressing the National Opioid Crisis from a Preventive Perspective
An Integrated Approach to Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Self-Management Workshop
Free Online Workshops
CCACC Health will be holding a free Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CPSMP) workgroup to patients who suffer from chronic pain. The CPSMP workshop is an evidence-based self-management program developed by Stanford University in the mid-1990s and introduced to many different countries. It aims at helping community members with chronic pain conditions understand and self-manage the pain, then build up a better and healthier life.
Certified CPSMP facilitators, Cynthia Marcri, M.D. and Shahin Sebastian from the Asian American Inter Community Service (AICS) will lead this workshop. The classes are highly participatory, workshop leaders and participants will share their experiences and develop mutual support in the group to build participants' ability and confidence in managing chronic pain.
The workshop is free. Participants are required to commit to all six classes, be interactive in class, and fill out forms before the first class. To sign up or get more details, please call 240-393-5950 or email

For temporary pain relief.
Counseling & Consultation
Licensed providers will provide individual consultations regarding mood and pain medication management.
Chronic Pain Self-Management Program
6 sessions
2 hours
free work groups to learn self-management strategies
Health Education
Health seminars on pain management.
Call us for services: 240-393-5950
The No Pain Initiative is a new project funded by a grant from the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission (MCHRC), to improve access to an integrated approach of managing chronic pain.
Chronic Pain?
Chronic Pain affects more than 100 million people in the United States.
It is a major medical and social issue, affecting the quality of life of individual patients, their friends and families, the work force, and society in general.
There are unique aspects to every individual's pain complaints, as well as many common elements.
Appropriate history and physical exams are needed to properly evaluate chronic pain. A comprehensive pain evaluation is essential to developing an effective treatment plan.
An assessment of chronic pain starts with a description of the pain (e.g. burning, aching, stabbing), its location, intensity, time course and duration, causes, relieving factors, and aggravating factors. Questions about the impact of living with chronic pain will also be asked, such as on sleep, work, physical functions, and quality of life.
More than one diagnostic test and procedure may be necessary for the treatment of chronic pain.
Integrated Approach to Chronic Pain Management
The No Pain Initiative Project at PAVHC aims to improve the overall quality of life for those living with chronic pain.
The project will provide an integrative approach towards chronic pain management, including increased understanding, knowledge, and skills, optimization of pain medications, psycho-behavioral and mental health interventions, and complementary medicine such as acupuncture treatments.
Participants can understand more about chronic pain and the various treatments by attending health education seminars. They can learn self-management techniques through a structured program such as the Chronic Pain Self-Management Program. They can improve their mental health and coping skills via individual counseling and group discussions. They can receive a psychiatric referral for optimization of their pain medications, as well as acupuncture therapy to decrease pain and minimize or prevent the use of opioid medications.
Who Are We Looking to Help
Anyone who suffers from chronic pain and is willing to participate in this program.
Due to the program sponsor’s request, we will collect information regarding the effectiveness of this program. Participants will
Fill out the necessary forms and surveys to help us understand how our service has benefited you.
Participate in all facets of this program. For example, undergo three Chinese medicine therapy sessions or participate in six small group discussions.
Panel discussions and seminars are free. Services such as acupuncture, consultations, and personal therapy will be charged according to your insurance plan. Those who qualify may be able to enjoy low cost, discounted services.
How to Register
To participate in this program or similar events (such as the Health Seminar) please contact us at 240-393-5950.
Hear What Our Participants Have to Say
I learned so much from the workshop! Very nice group and knowledgeable instructors!
This pain management class is excellent for individuals who have pain and also good for individuals who do not have pain to prevent pain from happening to them.
Love the classmates and mentors! Miss you all! Good luck to you all!
It is great to learn more about how to manage pain. This knowledge will be great to help myself and to help other people.
I used to think pain is part of life and there is nothing we can do about it. With the knowledge and tools I learned from this class, I can manage my pain better going forward!
This class makes me to own my problem to analysis and make action plans to solve the problem.
I love this program where I met people who have similar health issues as I do. I learned a lot of pain management knowledge I can apply for life.
Patient Feedback
News Release
Chinese Culture and Community Service Center Receives Grant to Reduce Opioid Usage

Gaithersburg, MD – The Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) recently received a two-year grant from the Community Health Resources Commission in the amount $160,000, with co-funding from Aetna Better Health of Maryland.
This funding is awarded to the CCACC for their “No Pain Initiative” which provides for an integrated approach to chronic pain management, including the reduction and prevention of the use of opioid medications for chronic pain. The program includes individual counseling, psychosocial support groups, acupuncture sessions, and a structured 6-week self- management workshop to empower patients to better manage their chronic pain, and receive non-pharmacologic interventions that could provide pain relief.
In coordinated fashion, participants can also plug into elements of individualized care, such as a review of their pain medications with a psychiatrist or a pharmacist, and the development of a care plan to address co-occurring depression, anxiety or other psycho-social issues.
The No Pain Initiative (NPI) is also made possible by the existing network of volunteer personnel at the Pan Asian Volunteer Health Clinic (PAVHC), such as Dr. Ling Chin. Dr. Shao, and Hsing-chih Su, Pharm D. Dr. Chin comes from a background in public health, FDA, NIH, and preventive medicine. Dr. Shao is a volunteer psychiatrist. Dr. Su is a volunteer pharmacist and leads our pharmacy team. PAVHC is part of CCACC and is a safety net clinic in Montgomery County, and is in partnership with other community organizations for this project. For example, the Asian Indians for Community Service, Inc (AICS), is the organization partner providing the certified trainers for the self-management workshops (known as the Chronic Pain Self-Management Program – CPSMP). Another key partner is Dr. Chao An, Director of the US Center for Chinese Medicine (USCCM). The Center provides the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctors who perform a TCM evaluation and deliver 3 sessions of acupuncture treatment for NPI participants.
In the next two years, it is anticipated that the “No Pain Initiative” will provide pain management services to a total of 240 individuals. To date, 21 participants have completed the CPSMP workshops, 26 participants have received acupuncture treatment, and many others have received health education, and individual counseling.
This award has been instrumental in CCACC/PAVHC being able to provide partial support for two additional key staff members for the Initiative, namely, Program Director Huixing Lu, LCSW-C and Project Coordinator Hsiaoyin Chen LMSW, according to PAVHC Clinic Director Lu. For more information regarding NPI, please visit our website:
This co-funded grant from the Community Health Resources Commission and Aetna Better Health of Maryland is a part of a larger partnership to expand access to care across the state, especially in underserved communities, in an effort to both reduce health disparities, and increase the capacity of safety net providers to serve vulnerable residents. Jointly, the organizations have co-funded two additional grants in Washington and Charles counties. “We are thrilled to play a part in the community by supporting the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center in their efforts to reduce opioid dependency in the state” said Aetna Better Health of Maryland Chief Executive Officer Angelo Edge.
“The Community Health Resources Commission is thrilled to support Chinese Culture and Community Service Center,” commented Mark Luckner, CHRC Executive Director. “The No Pain Initiative will bring important pain management services to the community and will help reduce the reliance on opioids for chronic pain.” The grant to CCACC is one of 26 awards totaling $7.2 million issued by the CHRC this year. Additional information about these awards can be accessed at:
Our Partners

Our TCM Providers Team : USCCM、J&C TCM Services

Panel Discussion: Chronic Pain Management
January 2020 Discussion

Welcome and Opening
No Pain Initiative: An Overview
Ling Chin, MD & Huixing Lu, LCSW-C -
Brief Presentation & Panel Discussion:
Chronic Pain
Dr. Zirong Zhao, MD (Neurologist, VA Medical Center in D.C.) -
Total Pain and Complementary Modalities
Jennifer Cheng, MD (NIH Hospice & Palliative Care) -
Primary Care Chronic Pain Challenges
Wei Cui , MD (Primary Care, Integrated Medical Care) -
Psychiatric Co-Morbidities and Psycho-Social-Behavioral Influences on Chronic Pain Behaviors
Hang Wang , MD (Psychiatrist, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital) -
Chronic Pain Management and the No Pain Initiative
Xiaoping Shao, MD (psychiatrist, VA Medical Center in D.C)
A panel of practitioners and specialists from different branches of medicine, including pain anesthesiology, palliative medicine, primary care, and psychiatry, will be sharing information on chronic pain management. Panelists will make brief presentations about their knowledge base and clinical experiences in helping patients living with chronic pain with or without other comorbidities.
The evening will also include an introduction to the No Pain Initiative (NPI), which is funded by a 2-year grant from the Community Health Resources Commission (CHRC) to provide services that would aid in the overall goal of opioids use reduction and addiction prevention in the nation. Pan Asian Volunteer Health Clinic (PAVHC) is the grantee and will be providing services such as counseling, peer group discussion, pharmacist/psychiatrist consultation, self-management program, and acupuncture, with the goal of improving chronic pain management through an integrated alternative approach that can complement conventional pharmacologic therapies. Partners in NPI include the US Center for Chinese Medicine (USCCM), Asian American Inter Community Service (AICS), and PAVHC volunteer pharmacists, volunteer psychiatrists, and community practitioners such as Zhiqiang Fu, LAc.