The United States is facing a "dual epidemic" situation where the flu and the coronavirus surge at the same time... Get your flu vaccine NOW!
The Pan Asian Volunteer Health Clinic of CCACC Health Center now received 50 doses flu vaccines from Montgomery County. This flu vaccine will be available for our Montgomery Cares' patients at no cost under first come first serve basis, while supplies last.
Please call 240-393-5950 to schedule your flu vaccine appointment as soon as possible.
Let’s protect ourselves and others to reduce the spread of the flu within our community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us 240-393-5950
根據Dr.Anthony Fauci 預測,今年秋冬季節,美國將迎來新冠和流感“雙流行." 請馬上接種流感疫苗! 泛亞診所現有蒙郡供應的流感疫苗50劑,供已登記的“蒙郡關懷項目”病患免費接種。因為供應有些,先到先得。
請致電240-393-5950 預約

High doses for 65+ year old are available. Call us 240-393-5950 or use the link below to register!