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Prevention for All

The Pan Asian Clinic continues to receive funding from Montgomery County Government's Community Grant to promote disease awareness and provide preventive services to low-income, uninsured or under-insured community members.
Community Health Services under this project include:
  • Monthly Health Seminars on National Disease Awareness Calendar: Starting from December 2020, we will invite reputable doctors in the community to provide health talks on the diseases that we are concerned about.
  • Pan Asian Clinic also provides related testing services for diseases in relation to the awareness month. These services include year-round medical examinations, blood screenings, women's health examinations, uterine film examinations, bowel cancer screenings, flu shots, and other medical services.

In an effort to improve the health and well-being of the community, the Prevention for All Program is aimed at improving access to care and to provide services whose primary goal is to promote health, through early detection and optimal management of existing disease. Health education is also part of this program with the goal of improving awareness, understanding, and compliance with treatment and management.


Prevention Services can be provided at any of the following:

Medical Care Visit
Annual Visit
Targeted Prevention Visit
Community Health Outreach Events
Preventive Care During Medical Care Visits

In addition to being seen by a health care practitioner, the patient will receive the following at each visit:

  • BP (blood pressure) and HR (heart rate) measurements

  • Weight, Height, BMI

The electronic health record will list services specific to each patient, and these will be provided as time permits. Services include:


  • Influenza vaccine

  • Pneumococcal vaccine

  • Hepatitis vaccines

Cancer Screening

  • Breast cancer

  • Colorectal cancer

  • Prostate cancer

Substance Use Screening

  • Alcohol use

  • Tobacco use

  • Illicit substance use

Patients will be given a written Exit Instruction Sheet which will include a list of the cancer screening tests received. 

Preventive Care Outside of the Medical Care Visit

If there is not enough time to cover all of the prevention care targeted for the specific patient, patients can return for a follow-up visit, make an appointment for an annual visit, or schedule a targeted prevention visit. In addition to all of the above, the following can be provided:

  • Fasting Labs (drawn prior to the appointment date, so results will be provided)

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Osteoporosis Awareness Month
World Hepatitis Day
Pain Awareness Month
Diabetes Awareness Month
American Heart Month
Cancer Control Month
Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month
National Immunization Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Stomach Cancer Awareness Month

2021 Prevention Month Videos

Prevention Month Videos

CCACC Pan Asian Volunteer Health Clinic (PAVHC)

9298 Gaither Road

Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Doctor visits by appointment only.
Patient eligibility screenings by appointment.

For more information, call 240-393-5950 or email us.

Monday-Friday 9 AM-5 PM
*Extended Hours: 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 9:00 AM-7:30 PM (by appointment ONLY)

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